Evening Oil Painting-
Wed: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. $63 per month
This class meets once a week and students work individually on a subject of their choosing. Instructor Charlotte Forehand works with students in the studio. Charlotte is qualified to teach both oil and acrylic. Students provide their own materials and pre-registration is required.
Oil Painting with Eluster-Oil
Wed: 10:00am-12:00pm $63 per month
This class meets once a week and students work individually on a painting of their choosing. Instructor Eluster Richardson will work with students in the studio. Eluster is qualified to teach both oil and acrylic. Students provide their own materials and pre-registration is required.
Design for Watercolorist-Tues. 10a.m.-12:00p.m. $63 per month
This fall, the Brush & Palette Art Studio is inviting artists who seek new and unique challenges to join its Advanced Watercolor class. If your artistic journey has taken you to a point where you want to stretch your abilities to include a number of new water media techniques, this class is perfect. Watercolorist and teacher Penny G. Anderson will be teaching the course and introducing a number of new water media products that have lifted the medium into new areas of artistic interest. Beginning with warm-up exercises and continuing through group critiques, the course is designed to further develop the artist's eye. Students are required to provide their own materials.
1379 Timberlane Rd. Tallahassee, Florda 32308 � (850) 893-1960 � info@brushandpalettestudio.com
Charlotte Forehand
Celebrating over 45 years in business!